Reflect, Reframe and Reset

So, it’s halfway through the year…did you set any goals this year, hopes, dreams, visions or intentions?

Mine was to embrace the theme of health… and so far, I have had my second dose of Covid and two massive cough infections that have reduced me to tears they have been so intense.

I need to reset. Do you?

Let’s reset together.

Let’s start with an obvious question, is that goal or theme we set back in January still something we aspire to? Is it still relevant?  Shall we double down on it? or does it need a review, an upgrade or a completely new focus?

As I mentioned, my goal was to pursue health in every area; spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and relational – I’m going to double down on this one, but some of you may wish to revisit, refine and/or create an entirely new focus.

Let’s run through an easy process that helps me at this time of year.

Reflect, Reframe, Reset

So, before we reset…

Let’s Reflect.

What has gone well? What has been achieved? It is easy to bemoan the shortages of our achievements, but I can remind myself that I did at least finally see a consultant and get my dodgy shoulder sorted and am happily swimming front crawl again on my morning swims.

I have managed to update my will and do some future financial health planning, I’ve received some great coaching and invested in some good CPD and learning this year, as well as launching my book and enjoying all my positive leaders coaching and all our B corps work. I’m enjoying my time in nature, my exercise and my friends and family relationships. So, yes, my immune system is a bit rubbish at the moment, but I still have achieved some of what I set out to do!

So, let’s reflect!

What’s feeling good ?
What have you managed to do?
What can you celebrate?

Often clients are very surprised when we go through the diary and chart the progress, so don’t get caught in the negativity bias and remember to celebrate any small progress.

After Reflection, comes the Reframe. 

Can you rephrase or reframe your goal into a beautiful power question? In my case, “How can I enjoy creating space to support vibrant health?” Quite different to. “Why do I keep getting a cough?”

Beautiful power questions are ones that quicken the pulse when you start to engage with them. When you feel excited that in answering this question it’s taking you closer to your vision or your goals.

They are positive, future-focussed questions that are ownable and sustainable by you. They use language that is enlivening and captures your strengths and values. Such as, “Why did I waste so much time in the first 6 months?”, might become, “What do I need to do to ensure the second half of the year takes me nearer to my meaning and purpose?”

And now for the Reset.

A simple prescription that helps get us started on our reset: a large dose of self-compassion and a diary cull.

Leaders regularly need to check their schedules to see if how they are spending their time truly supports their mission or their KPIs. In truth, we get “project drift” and meeting drift where we become involved in too many initiatives, meetings or even social events. A diary cull gives us the opportunity to have a good look at what needs to be added and what needs to be deleted. The half year point is a great time to do this.

For me, I have noticed a drift of events as a result of, or reaction to, the pandemic, i.e. events and trips that were rescheduled now all butting up against each other, or an over-reliance on Zoom when we could be meeting in different ways, such as face-to-face or virtual walks and talks or just a quick impromptu call instead of a 30-minute scheduled Zoom.

I have noticed I am enjoying quality time with friends in smaller groups rather than bigger groups; I’m noticing however where we went for long walks in nature during lockdown, we now meet in bigger groups in pubs, festivals and restaurants. I am noticing and miss the intimacy of being with just one other person or one other family.

So again… a reset is needed.

And now for the large dose of self-compassion. This is not about beating ourselves up for what has not been achieved, it is an opportunity to enter into the second half of the year with more mindful intentionality.

We all love a second chance, let’s make some time to take it.

I’d love to hear if you feel the need to review or double down on your year’s vision, goals or intentions. Please email me on to let me know!

 Profile image of Fiona Parashar From Spring Leadership

By Fiona Parashar

Fiona set up Leadership Coaching in 2000, driven to use her corporate experience and academic background to make a positive difference to leaders, executives and women in business. Here, she shares her coaching journey, her favourite type of client, and even a few of her guilty pleasures...